Shark me all night long

For years the best way to attract a great white shark was with fish guts, however it would now appear that the great white shark’s insatiable appetite for blood is matched only by it’s desire to rock out.

Matt Waller, a tour operator in South Australia’s Neptune Bay has discovered a new way to attract the sharks to his boat in form of rock music, specifically the songs of AC/DC. Research has shown that the tracks ‘Shook Me All Night Long’ and ‘Back in Black’ are the favourites of the great whites.

Matt’s idea was influenced by the dive operators on Guadalupe Island who discovered that playing music underwater can change a shark’s behaviour. Underwater speakers are attached to the dive cages and when the AC/DC gets cranked the sharks swim towards the cage and rub their faces against the music source.

These new findings could help tour operators become more environmentally sustainable by reducing the amount of bait used on the shark tours. Matt’s company is currently the only company using music instead of bait, but he predicts that other operators will soon get on the bandwagon.

We don’t know why the sharks seem to like AC/DC but as Matt searches for new tunes to play the great whites we’re going to help him out with a Frontier playlist. Post any ideas below.

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